Birthstones are gemstones that accompany a birth month, each have a unique meaning and historical significance. The popularity of birthstones dates back to ancient times when civilisations believed that gemstones had incredible powers such as luck, health and prosperity.

Sapphires are the birthstone of September and without a doubt they are one of the most beautiful stones in the world. If your birthday is in September, despite it being the official end of summer, there is no need to be down! The unmistakeable shine given from your birthstone is here to brighten everything up.


Throughout time, sapphires have been used to symbolise nobility and faithfulness. This is the reason many choose the stone for an engagement or wedding ring – the famous French leader, Napoleon, even gave one to his wife in 1796 for this very reason! Another interesting fact about a Sapphire is that the gemstone is amongst the most durable elements in the world. The ‘Mohs Scale of Hardness’ is a system which is used to calculate the ability a stone has to withstand any scratching. Sapphires score a whopping 9/10. The only other natural item that can scratch a sapphire is a diamond.

Maybe you’re thinking about getting a sapphire ring for this purpose too, and if so we wish you the best of luck! As a way to celebrate the month of the Sapphire we’ve put together some of our favourite sapphire rings.


Simple Sapphire Ring Choice

This ring is the ultimate showcase for when ‘less is more’. The 18ct White Gold Sapphire Set Ring can be seen as the perfect choice if you want a beautifully simple ring that will still have the ability to catch attention. This is because the white gold setting looks very attractive offering a seamless complement to the sapphire. The stone also has the trademark rigid cuts in it that you see with sapphires and this means it will definitely be recognisable when people look at it.


Diamond and Sapphire Are a Beautiful Couple


As mentioned previously, sapphires and diamonds are the most durable gemstones available. What that tell us is that if you were to combine these in to one ring it will not just make a stunning piece of jewellery, it will also be able to withstand the wear and tear your hands will face. Looking at the 9 Carrot White Gold Sapphire and Diamond Ring you can see it has a white gold setting that has smaller diamonds which build up to a sapphire stone, which is finished rounded diamonds. With this ring you can really see how stunning diamonds and sapphires look when they are paired together.



Sapphire Engagement Ring Choice


The 18 Carrot Five Stone White Gold Diamond and Sapphire Ring can be safely considered as a perfect choice for an engagement ring. The alternating diamonds throughout the setting create a beautiful band that has shine and elegance which will look wonderful around your finger. When purchasing an engagement ring, many want to go all out for it, as it is often the first gift of real substance that you give to your partner. This sapphire ring cuts the perfect line between it being too much and just right.

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